Weapon Policy

  • No guns or firearms of any type are permitted on the faire site.

  • Any potential weapon must be peace-tied (tied in such a manner that it cannot be drawn) and/or remain sheathed at all times while on the faire site.

  • Items that have sharpened edges, harden points, or are of a certain weight that may cause potential bodily harm are not permitted.

  • A violation of the weapon’s policy may result in the confiscation of the weapon, the violator’s removal, and possible legal ramifications.

  • Red Apple Farm reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove any guest or participant that does not adhere to these policies.

Child Policy

  • All children 6 years old and under will be granted free entrance into the faire when accompanied by an adult who is responsible as guardian for the child at the faire.

  • All children 13 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult who is responsible as guardian for the child at the faire.

  • If a child 13 years old and under is not accompanied by an adult, they will be asked to contact their guardian and must then be picked up from the faire.

  • Any child 13 years old and under who is not accompanied by an adult, after contacting their guardian, will not be readmitted into the faire.

  • All children 7-13 years old may purchase discounted TICKETS for the faire.

Costume Policy

  • Costumes are encouraged to get into the spirit of the faire, but are not required.

  • All costumes worn must be suitable for the general public’s viewing.

  • Costume adornments and prop weapons are permitted but subject to security approval upon entry.

  • Masks and headpieces are subject to removal upon the request of faire management at any time.

  • Persons wearing costumes that do not meet these criteria may be refused entry or asked to leave the faire site.

Food & Drink Policy

  • No outside food or drink will be permitted and admitted into the faire except under special circumstances listed below.

  • If outside food or drink is medically necessary (dietary need, allergies etc.) it will be permitted and admitted into the faire under these special circumstances.

  • If a young child needs special food or drink, such as infant formula or baby food, it will be permitted and admitted into the faire under these special circumstances.

  • Water in reusable bottles, such as plastic or metal water bottles, will be permitted and admitted into the faire.

Anti-Racism Statement

Sadly, white supremacist and white nationalist groups have misappropriated the medieval period, especially when it comes to early medieval and Viking Age symbolism. By attending the North Folk Night Market, you are agreeing to reject white supremacy and all forms of hate speech, and foster an inclusive community that celebrates diversity and invites all to participate in the marvels of this new night faire. Violations of this policy will result in you being asked to leave. White supremacy, white nationalism, and hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated at this or any FaeGuild Wonders or Red Apple Farm event.